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St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy Grosvenor Road, Dalton, Huddersfield, HD5 9HU

01484 531669

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Learning and serving together in the light of God's love

Year 4

Saint Maximilian Kolbe


 Welcome to Year 4!

Class teacher: Mrs Land

HLTA: Mrs Thomas

Support staff: Miss Parkin

Useful information:

  • Homework is set on a Friday through Purple Mash and is due in the following Friday.
  • Spellings Booklets go home on a Friday to prepare for Monday's spelling test. New spellings are then given out on a Monday.
  • In June, all children in year 4 have to complete the Multiplication Timetables Check (MTC). To support your child with this, please ensure they log on TT Rockstars at home and complete an activity regularly.
  • PE We go swimming very Monday morning and have PE every Tuesday. 
  • All children have a class book to read. Please listen to your child read regularly.
  • Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle each day in school.

Home Learning 

  Importance of Reading


Autumn 2024 Learning


This term, we will read Roman myths and Climate change. We are building up to writing our own Roman myth. We are learning how to use expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials.

October is Black History month and we will study the remarkable Rosa Parks and write Diary entries.

In reading we are developing the full range of comprehension skills, ensuring we are using evidence from the text to answer questions effectively, learning to skim and scan to find evidence within the text quickly.


This term we are focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, area, multiplication and division.

Every day, we will be continuing our Flashback learning.


This term we are learning all about Animals including humans. We will conduct an experiment about the effects of fizzy drinks on teeth.


We are learning about Climates. We will look at climates and weather and the impact of climate change.


This term we are focusing on The Christian family and Mary, Mother of God.

Our class mass is on Wednesday 16th October at 9am.


The focus is Being in my world and Celebrating differences.


We will be looking at Structures and Pavilions. We will design our own structure and build it.


This term we go swimming every Monday morning and have a sports coach on Tuesdays to deliver Fitness and stretching.


This term we will be looking at Understanding the internet and Audio production.


We will be looking at Exploring a Spanish town.


This term we will be performing Mama Mia and learning how to play the glockenspiel.